Betekenis van:
plant disease


  1. The GMM should not be capable of causing disease or harm to a healthy human, plant or animal.
  2. through a water treatment plant inactivating the relevant pathogen in order to reduce the risk of the introduction of the disease to an acceptable level; or
  3. Please show that the aid intended for controlling the disease is compatible with the specific aims and provisions of the European Union's veterinary or plant health legislation.
  4. the outbreaks of animal or plant disease or environmental incidents which may give rise to compensation to be paid to farmers, including geographical scope where appropriate,
  5. through a water treatment plant inactivating the relevant pathogen in order to reduce the risk of the introduction of the disease to an acceptable level;
  6. Member States may provide for financial compensation to be paid to farmers for economic losses caused by the outbreak of an animal or plant disease or an environmental incident by way of financial contributions to mutual funds.
  7. Plant health and crop protection will be improved through better understanding of ecology, biology of pests, diseases, weeds and other threats of phytosanitary relevance and support to controlling disease outbreaks and enhancing sustainable pest and weed management tools and techniques.
  8. However, category 3 milk, colostrums and milk products may be used without pasteurisation/hygienisation as raw material in a biogas plant, if the competent authority does not consider them to present a risk of spreading any serious transmissible disease.’
  9. The consistent practice of the Commission has been to consider avian influenza as an animal disease [21] and to use long-established principles in the Guidelines on the fight against animal and plant diseases.
  10. The claim proposed by the applicant was worded as follows: ‘By actively lowering/reducing LDL-cholesterol (by up to 14 % within 2 weeks, by blocking cholesterol absorption,) plant stanol esters reduce the risk of (coronary) heart disease’.
  11. With regard to official controls relating to animal health and plant health, this section of the annual report should include the results of official controls carried out for the purpose of disease monitoring, surveillance, eradication or control, including official controls to verify or determine health status with regard to a particular disease.
  12. These state that where a farmer loses livestock as a result of animal disease, or where his crops are affected by plant disease, this does not normally constitute a natural disaster or an exceptional occurrence within the meaning of the Treaty.
  13. The Community Guidelines state in point 11.4.1 that ‘where a farmer loses livestock as a result of animal disease, or where his crops are affected by plant disease, this does not normally constitute a natural disaster or an exceptional occurrence within the meaning of the Treaty’.
  14. Make significant progress with alignment in the veterinary and phytosanitary sectors, including a system for animal identification, animal waste treatment, modernisation of agro-food establishments, animal disease control programmes, plant protection and quality of seeds and plant propagating material; significantly upgrade inspection structures.
  15. Coverage by crop and/or animal and/or plant insurance shall only be available where the occurrence of an adverse climatic event or the outbreak of an animal or plant disease or pest infestation has been formally recognised as such by the competent authority of the Member State concerned.